Credit: CBS screenshot

It was a ‘don’t blink or you’ll miss it moment’ on Young & Restless, but one that left us with a chill down our spine. And one that spelled out exactly what horror Ashley may be about to revisit if her memories come flooding back in Paris.

We’re speaking, of course, of the five second scene in which Tucker, having left his confrontation with Audra overseas, was walking through Paris and had a chance encounter with none other than Dr. Alan. McCall knows the man, having spoken to him more than once in Genoa City, and greeted him with a mixture of surprise and congeniality. But it was what happened next that was shocking. Alan looked at Tucker with a tinge of annoyance, failed to return his greeting, and kept going.

“Wow, what’s up with Alan?” we were left thinking. But we quickly realized… something was fishy in Denmark, er, Paris.

Alan had left Ashley’s apartment to go home and change, and would have been on his way back at that time, but would he have blown Tucker off like that? He was perfectly cordial toward McCall in Genoa City, so why the cold shoulder now? He could have been irked, thinking Tucker had followed Ashley overseas, but we feel like he still would have had spoken. The man’s been polite to a fault.

There was something about his appearance that didn’t sit right as well. This ‘Alan’ was wearing a black leather jacket… the international soap opera uniform denoting a bad guy or a character turned to the dark side.

But there was more. When Alan returned to Ashley’s apartment he was not wearing a black leather jacket. Did he ditch it in the hallway?

Things took an even stranger turn when Ashley and Alan got into a deeper attempt to access her memories from the time that the trauma allegedly occured. When Ashley recalled speaking to Alan on the phone and arranging to meet with him on the night in question, he told her straight out that it didn’t happen.

Ashley was stunned to learn that he was in Florence at that time and did not, in fact, tell her he would meet up with her after his last session.

We would have been left wondering if Alan, who we’ve been eyeballing suspiciously for a while now, was gaslighting his friend and patient, if not for that encounter Tucker had earlier.

It’s when you take that into consideration that an entirely different, and absolutely horrific, scenario presents itself: Alan has an evil twin or a doppleganger. That would explain Tucker’s strange encounter and Ashley meeting up with someone she believed to be Alan, when he was actually in another country.

We’ve got a terrible feeling it’s also going to explain her extreme trauma. Did Alan’s evil twin brother attack Ashley? Perhaps even rape her? Oh, the horror. Our poor Beauty!

What’s even worse, is that this isn’t Ashley’s first run-in with twin brothers. Anyone remember her late husband Blade, whose bad boy twin brother Rick ended up bedding her? What are the odds she’d end up dealing with two sets of good and evil twins in one lifetime? Only on a soap!