The Pegasus Vertical Business Jet: Precision Landing at Its Best.ON

The Johannesburg-based company, Pegasus Universal Aerospace was founded in the year 2012with the aim of creating a small private jet with vertical take-off and landing, or the so-called VTOL capability.

Pegasus Vertical Business Jet: VTOL with turboshaft cruise

And now, the Pegasus business Jet is closer to reality than ever. Creating the first aircraft to provide true business jet performance, mixed with helicopter convenience, will turn this company into a global success.The Pegasus Vertical Business Jet has been designed to feature the capability to land on almost any surface, including heliports, yachts, or grass. The Pegasus jet – VTOL mode included – promises a 2,124 km range (1,320 miles) and an impressive cruise speed of 796 km/hr (495 mph) at an altitude of 10,668 m (35,000 feet).

SA firm developing a jet that can take off like a helicopter

Although flight time in VTOL mode is approximately three hours, you might be interested to know that this stunning jet burns only 309 litres (81.63 gallons) of fuel per hour, which is around 60% less fuel when you compare it to a standard jet. This plane is built around an all-composite airframe and it will offer you a comfortable journey to your next destination.

SA firm developing a jet that can take off like a helicopter

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