Please smile brightly, my child. Parents take care of everything and their children’s work is to study and learn. ts.dhung.

Please smile brightly, my dear. Your bright smile is all we need. In your smile, we find strength and purpose to face the world every day. We promise to take care of everything, shoulder all the burdens and overcome all obstacles, as long as you live happily and smile happily.

From the moment you entered our lives, you brought with you an unparalleled source of light that can illuminate even the darkest corners of our days. Your laughter is the melody that fills our home with joy, your happiness is the sun that warms our hearts. Every smile you give us is a reminder of what’s really important in life.

We know that life will bring challenges and uncertainties, but our greatest wish is to shield you from worry and grief. We will be your backbone, steadfast and strong, ensuring that you can explore the world with a heart full of wonder and a spirit unburdened by fear. Every decision we make, every effort we put forth is with the hope that you can simply be an innocent, carefree, and happy child.

As you grow older, there will be times when the world seems large and overwhelming. In those moments, remember that you are not alone. Parents are always here, ready to lend a helping hand, hug and comfort, and whisper words of encouragement. We are committed to making your road as smooth as possible, so that your life journey is filled with love and laughter.

Your dream is the canvas we wish to paint a future with endless possibilities. We will nurture your passion, support your aspirations and cheer you on with an unwavering belief in your potential. Whether you want to fly high in the sky or explore the depths of the ocean, our promise to you remains the same: we will be there, every step of the way, making sure that your heart is always pure and Your smile is always radiant.

There is no greater joy for us than seeing you happy. Your smile is the reward for all our efforts, the reason we strive to be better every day. It is a beacon that guides us through life’s challenges, a reminder of the purest form of love. When we see you smile, all the worries in the world fade away, replaced by a deep sense of contentment and purpose.

So, my child, please continue to smile brightly. Let your laughter ring out like the sweetest music, filling our homes and hearts with its beautiful sounds. Know that as long as you are happy, so are we. We will face every storm and climb every mountain, ensuring that your days are filled with joy and your nights with peaceful dreams.

In your happiness, we find our own happiness. In your smile we see the reflection of all our hopes and dreams. You are our greatest treasure and we will do everything in our power to ensure you have a life filled with love, laughter and endless smiles.

My child, always remember that no matter where life takes you, mom and dad will always be here. We will take care of everything so you can continue to live happily and smile brightly. Your joy is our mission, your happiness is our greatest achievement.

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