Hot news: The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids has a solution: The ingenuity of ancient people or extraterrestrial builders? ts.dhung.

The Egyptian pyramids, great works of human history, have long been the subject of many mysteries and hypotheses. One of the biggest questions that scientists and history lovers are still looking for answers to is: How could the ancient Egyptians build these magnificent structures without Have modern technology?

Some theories say that this is the result of the ingenuity and extensive knowledge of mathematics, astronomy and construction techniques of the ancient Egyptians. They used simple but effective tools, combined with the labor of thousands of people, to create these masterpieces. Recent studies have found that a network of roads and canals was used to transport huge blocks of stone from the quarry to the construction site.

On the other hand, some other theories suggest that there was the intervention of extraterrestrial beings in the construction of the pyramid. Supporters of this hypothesis believe that the pyramid’s perfection and accuracy in every detail could not have been achieved without the help of alien technology.

Whether it be the ingenuity of ancient people or the intervention of aliens, the Egyptian pyramids are still one of the wonders of the ancient world, and the mystery surrounding them is still there, waiting. be discovered. Further research and excavations will certainly reveal more interesting information and help us better understand the construction process and the meaning of these works in human history.

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