Garnacho, Bruno Fernandes, and Pellistri visit former Man Utd goalkeeper De Gea to show their support for his Rebels Gaming Esports team.TS.TD

David de Gea, a former goalkeeper for Manchester United, is the next player to join the esports business. He has started his own company.

The best goalkeeper for Manchester United, David de Gea, recently revealed that he is starting an eSports team called Rebels Gaming. Rebels Gaming’s first news release said that the group would be competing in three different games: League of Legends, Valorant, and Rainbow Six Siege.

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Along with participating in the three sports listed above, Rebels Gaming will also put money into and help grow streamers and content creators. Not only that, but De Gea’s team will also have its own training center in Valdebebas, Madrid.

De Gea Rebels Gaming feature in Inside United May 2022 | Manchester United

“Starting Rebels Gaming and getting into the eSports business is a dream come true for me,” David de Gea said. This project is meant to inspire young people with what has been agreed upon. stayed with me from the beginning of my career as a professional football player.

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The press release says that Rebels Gaming has announced that a team of e-sports experts will work on this project, but no information about the team’s members has been released yet. in lots of different places.


In this way, De Gea is the newest football player to work in the field. Before that, his friend at the club, Jesse Lingard, was also into eSports by starting the JLINGZ Esports organization. So was Sergio Agüero, a striker who used to play for Manchester City, who joined Kru Esports.

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