Fetus 33 weeks – Size, development, changes of fetus and pregnant woman at week 33.TS hung

Week 33 is the time approaching the hospital admission date, so mothers should prepare physical and mental conditions so that everything in the maternity ward can go comfortably.


Week 33 is equivalent to 7 months and 1 week from the beginning of the mother’s pregnancy. Although relaxation is a top priority, it is difficult for mothers to be comfortable during this time, when they have to deal with many different things.

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By this time, your baby will weigh about 1.9 kg and be about 43.6 cm tall, equivalent to the size of a bunch of celery. Your baby may even reach full size during this time.


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“Uncomfortable” are the only two words that can describe this moment. Indeed, week 33 is the time when many symptoms occur such as:

High fever : At the end, those who are about to become mothers will literally become “hot” due to a surge in metabolic rate.

Headaches : Hormonal changes, stress or lack of water are all causes of headaches… Therefore, during this time, mothers should keep themselves comfortable and drink plenty of water. Taking a few moments to visit the women’s restroom is also worth paying attention to.

Difficulty breathing : At this time, mothers may not be accustomed to breathing normally (especially for mothers pregnant with twins). Imagine how relieved it will feel when your baby is born and frees up most of the space in your lungs. For those who are about to become mothers, this symptom often comes at different times, but sooner or later it will happen.

Forgetfulness and clumsiness : This unexplained phenomenon is also called “goldfish brain”. This fluctuation can be reduced thanks to the mother’s physiological changes but can increase due to the stress and anxiety when knowing she is about to have a baby in less than 2 months.


During this time, the mother’s weight will increase from 9 to 12 kg (or 14 to 19 kg in case of twin pregnancy). For some mothers-to-be, having a few more curves on their bodies will make them feel sexy. If approved by your doctor, “in bed” is still acceptable from now until the time of giving birth.

If you feel your stomach cramping occasionally, you probably have Braxton-Hicks contracture. Mothers should note that Braxton-Hicks is different from regular spasms in that they are not painful and often occur after “bed time” or physical activity. Braxton-Hicks can stop when mothers change positions, while contractions often persist – often at least five times a week – and are a sign that it’s time to go into labor. Mothers who have contractions at this time are most likely at risk of premature birth.

Certain complications will make mothers want to go to the operating room immediately, such as amniotic fluid stasis and thirst, especially for mothers carrying twins for 33 weeks.

Period-like cramps, vaginal bleeding, or abnormal urination are all signs of premature birth. Pressure in the pelvic area can also be a similar sign. Keep an eye out for the above symptoms. If there are any signs that worry you, do things like urinate, sleep on your left side, drink plenty of water, or contact your doctor immediately.


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If you go for an ultrasound, you can see that your baby has begun to open his eyes when awake, and begins to breathe through his mouth – an important skill for life “outside the womb”. By week 33, your baby’s bones will harden, while your baby’s brain will go through many new steps of development and intelligence will gradually improve.

The results of the 33-week ultrasound will be part of the birth record. This profile is usually completed in the third trimester for patients with high-risk pregnancies (so for mothers pregnant with twins, this test is less frequent), and then 40 weeks for mothers who have given birth. The ultrasound will determine the fetus’s movements, breathing, muscle size, and amount of amniotic fluid. Another part of the biophysical profile – the nonstress test – measures how your baby’s heart rate changes when he moves or when you have contractions.

Think of it as one more goal to complete to facilitate your baby in week 33. Peace of mind can help you complete the above process in a relaxed way.


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Week 33 is the right time for mothers to prepare for the upcoming hospitalization, and spend time researching postpartum care issues in advance as well as gradually storing foods in their medicine cabinets. Specialized functional products for mothers (actually there are often many of these in hospitals, so mothers don’t have to worry too much about this). Of course, it will be another month before the baby is born, but if you suddenly go into labor, you don’t have to worry about buying clothes or hemorrhoid cream.

Three important things mothers need to do right in the 33rd week of pregnancy:

– Prepare your belongings for the hospital

– Prepare knowledge of postpartum care

– Find out about the facilities and qualifications of doctors in the hospital where you will give birth.

Revealing 17 wonderful things about the activities of the fetus in the mother's womb

“What are you doing?” is a question that every pregnant mother wonders when she is carrying the whole “world” in her belly.

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