Expectant Mothers, Take Note: Expert Advice to Help Ensure an Easy, Smooth Delivery.TS hung

Every woman’s experience is unique, but most mothers would honestly say, yes, childbirth is painful. However, it is short-lived, and there are many methods to effectively reduce the intensity of childbirth pain.

There are so many different options, it can be easy to get lost in the medical jargon and confused by the countless delivery practices. Women can choose a method that makes them most comfortable and that makes sense for their personal and medical situation.

Following are some delivery techniques that are preferred by mothers and doctors for their uncomplicated, painless methods and techniques.

The rebozo jiggling technique involves using a scarf or piece of fabric to gently rock your hips or belly from side to side in a gentle rhythmic motion.

This can ᴀssist in releasing the muscles, ligaments and fascia around the uterine and pelvic region. It can also ᴀssist in helping baby find an optimal position before and during birth.

The Walcher’s position is a technique used in labour, that ᴀssists the bodies natural surges (contractions) to help a baby engage into the pelvis.

The mother reclines with her back supported whilst her legs remain dangling, this encourages the pelvis to open a little wider giving the baby more room to move and engage.

Using the “tug of war” technique is often used to aid in pain relief during labor and to give leverage during pushing. This technique has been used across different cultures as a method to help add some extra power to pushing.

A moment to exhale, close your eyes, and relax your whole body. Labour is hard work and these little rests can make all the difference in conserving your energy for when it’s time to birth.

Hip squeezes and counter pressure can help tremendously in labor, IF it’s in the right spot. What’s the right spot? Wherever the birthing person tells you it is! You’ll know real quick if you’re not in the right spot.

Did you know a comb can help you redirect your labour surges? When gripped in your hands, a comb can help hit acupuncture points in your hands. It also plays into the gate control pain theory. This theory states that the brain can only focus on a select number of sensations. Because the nerve endings are closer on your hands they reach your brain faster.

Forward leaning inversion: It’s s a technique that creates room in the lower uterus. The baby can then use that space—with the natural pull of gravity—to snuggle into a more ideal position for birth.

Did you know when applying pressure to certain parts of the body our nerve endings are stimulated which forces our muscles to relax, resulting in natural pain relief during labour!

For many women a supported squat position can be a great position to labor and birth in. It both widens the diameter of the pelvic outlet and allows gravity to ᴀssist in the descent of the baby.

Women can lean back against a seated birthing partner, lean against a birthing bar, or sit on a birthing stool to achieve this position. The sacrum and coccyx can expand in this position.

Moving into the squatting position can be helpful when the baby is slow to descend. If the descent of the baby is very rapid there can be tearing of the perineum, therefore sometimes moving out of squat to side lying at the end of the pushing phase can slow the descent down, giving the perineum a chance to elongate.

Standing can be a great upright position for labor. If you don’t feel like walking, but want to be on your feet, standing or swaying while leaning on a chair or support person is a good option.

There is no one perfect position. So move frequently and choose positions that feel good and that your baby responds to favorably.

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