Greek History Unearthed: 80 Skeletons Reveal Potential 7th Century BC Rebellion

Two mass graves containing 80 ancient bodies have been discovered in the Faliron Delta region of southern Athens. The 7th Century BC bodies, belonging to young men,…

Medieval Mystery Solved: Face of 14th-Century Warrior Revealed

Our world is full of stories and it is sometimes complex to represent what really happened years ago. But this was obviously without counting on a boost from…

Giants in the Bible? Examining Pictorial Evidence from the Vatican Archives

Recent revelations from the Vatican have sparked widespread fascination and debate among scholars and enthusiasts alike. Among the most captivating discoveries are the photographs sourced from the…

Revealing Australia’s prehistoric past: A complete herd of marine reptile skeletons has been discovered

A remarkable find has been made by three amateur paleontologists at a remote station in outback Queensland. The remains of a 100-million-year-old long-necked marine reptile, known as…

Science Solves Ancient Riddles: The Curious Case of “Fairy Fossils” Explained

The unearthing of fairy fossils has sent reverberations throughout the scientific realm, astounding researchers and sparking widespread intrigue. The revelation of these diminutive beings encapsulated in fossilized…

Archaeological Wonder: Swan Wing Accompanies Mother-Child Burial in Prehistoric Denmark

In the ancient burial site of Vedbaek, Denmark, an extraordinary discovery from approximately 4000 BC has captured the attention of archaeologists and historians alike. Known as the…