Y&R Recap – Fri May 24: Victor Foils Jordan’s Rescue as Summer Extends an Olive Branch to Claire For Harrison’s Sake.ts.truc

Y&R Recap – Fri May 24: Victor Foils Jordan’s Rescue as Summer Extends an Olive Branch to Claire For Harrison’s Sake.ts.truc

Last Episode
Jordan, Victor, Ashley, and Michael.
Summer meets her parents at the restaurant. They ask how she’s doing,

and she tells them she’s doing better… She’s less stressed, and Harrison

isn’t having as many nightmares lately. She says some days Harrison

needs to be as close as possible because Jordan told him that his parents

didn’t want him anymore, but they’re good and doing okay!

Summer Newman, Nick Newman, and Phyllis Summers enter the restaurant.
Nick and Phyllis can tell something else is bothering her. They ask what it is.

Summer doesn’t want to talk about it.

Phyllis asks if it’s Claire. Summer rolls her eyes. “Mom!”

Phyllis looks at Summer with curiosity.
Nick asks Summer to talk to them if something is bothering her. Has Claire been coming around again?

Summer says Claire kept her promise to stay away from Harrison, not that it really matters. Harrison keeps asking about Claire; he’s worried sick and all of his nightmares revolve around her being in trouble. It breaks Summer’s heart, and she hates that Claire has the power to upset her son, even though she’s not around; she wishes she could wave a magic wand and make Claire disappear forever!

The Tack House at Newman Ranch
Claire and Victoria are sitting at the kitchen table. Claire says Nikki was really happy to be home.

Victoria agrees. It’s nice to see Nikki back to her strong, confident self. She says she hasn’t seen her mom so strong since Jordan slithered her way into their lives.

Claire looks disheartened, and Victoria picks up on it.

Victoria tells Claire that she didn’t mean for Claire to feel responsible… She’s not!

Claire and Victoria sit and talk.
Claire knows it, but she can’t help but feel that way sometimes.

Victoria says they’ll live great and successful lives while Jordan rots in hell. If it weren’t for Jordan returning, they would have never found Claire.

There’s a knock at the door. It’s Cole. He says he was sorry to have to bail out early on their lunch.

Cole Howard enters the house and talks to Victoria and Claire.
Victoria asks if he handled the business he needed to take care of.

Cole nods and says he did. His phone pings with a notification from Michael. “Stay close. This could happen fast.”

Cole gets a text message from Michael. “Stay close. This could happen fast.”
The Newman Ranch House
Michael hugs Nikki and welcomes her home. He says she looks great.

Michael Baldwin smiles at Nikki Newman.
Nikki thanks him and says it’s the first time in a long time that she could say she feels great, too!

Michael is happy to hear it and says Lauren will be happy, too.

Nikki says that, as an outpatient, she has to attend an AA meeting every day; she’s going to do it right this time! She can’t thank Lauren enough for stepping up for her at Newman Media… Lauren is a wonderful friend and Nikki owes her a long, expensive lunch!

Michael thinks that’s a great idea… How about they do it now? He’s sure Lauren could slip away from work for an early lunch! What better way for them to celebrate their new chapter in life than have the four of them get together?

Nikki talks to Michael.
Chancellor Park
Harrison and Kyle sit in the park, discussing lofty things such as why chickens can’t fly. Harrison can’t wrap his head around it… Chickens are birds, aren’t they?

Kyle Abbott jumps for his son, Harrison Abbott.
Kyle laughs and says of course chickens are birds, but they can hop around and try to fly! He demonstrates, jumping around, as Harrison laughs. He suggests they get some ice cream.

Harrison happily agrees and gets up, but hides next to his father when he sees a woman in the park who looks like Jordan. He says, “It’s her! The witch is back!”

Harrison hides behind his father.
Nick tells Summer he understands that it’s easy to blame Claire for Harrison’s pain, since Claire is the reason that Jordan came into their lives. He wonders if she knows that Claire doesn’t want Harrison to suffer.

Nick talks to Summer.
Summer says it doesn’t matter; Claire was part of something horrific that happened to her family… It’s not unreasonable for her not to want to see Claire, and thinks that her dad wants to argue the point with her.

Nick says he’s just saying that Harrison really likes Claire and she cares about him… Maybe they should spend some time together once in a while!

Summer asks if he’s suggesting that Claire be Harrison’s nanny.

Summer talks to her father.
Nick says it doesn’t have to go that far; Harrison may just need to see that Claire is safe and secure, and it’ll help him feel that way, too.

Summer says Harrison has seen Claire.

Nick thinks that if Harrison saw Claire on a regular basis, it could make Harrison feel more confident about everything.

Nick talks to Summer.
Summer says he sounds just like Kyle… Is she supposed to ignore her feelings about Claire? Is Claire somehow entitled to a job with someone else’s child? Is that everyone’s answer besides her?

Phyllis says it’s nobody’s call except for Summer; if she’s not ready or willing to trust Claire with Harrison, she shouldn’t be pressured into it. Not by Kyle or anyone!

Phyllis holds out her hand as she talks to Summer.
Chancellor Park
Kyle and Harrison watch as the woman who looks like Jordan leaves the park. Kyle reassures Harrison that it may have looked like the witch, but it wasn’t. He promises that the witch is gone and will never come back.

Harrison and Kyle watch the Jordan-look-alike leave the park.
Harrison wants his dad to promise, and he does. Harrison asks about Claire… Will the witch be able to hurt her again?

Kyle says Claire and Harrison went through something really scary, but he and Summer won’t ever let anything like that happen to him again. The woman who did it was sick in her mind, but she’s gone now and won’t ever be coming back.

Harrison asks why his mommy doesn’t like Claire.

Harrison talks to his dad.
The Tack House
Claire asks Cole about the text message he received… More business?

Victoria listens as Claire talks to Cole.
Victoria asks if his publisher is hounding him for his next masterpiece.

Cole laughs. There’s no pressure on that front; his deadline is far off!

Claire says he’s not being honest with them… He’s dancing around things, but won’t tell them what he’s up to.

Cole smiles at Claire.
Cole asks what she thinks he’s not telling her.

Claire figures Oxford wants Cole to come back. She knows it’s his career, and they probably want him back. She says she may be selfish, but she doesn’t want him to go. She just found him and hates the thought of losing him so soon!

Victoria says she’d hate to lose him, too!

Victoria looks at Cole.
The Newman Ranch House
Victor tells Michael that Nikki just got home and needs some time to settle in.

Michael says there’s no pressure; he just knows that Lauren would love to see Nikki looking so well!

Nikki and Victor talk as Michael looks on.
Nikki says she can’t wait to see Lauren either, and frankly, she’s starving! She’s tired of living under a dark cloud, and she doesn’t want to miss any more moments with the people she cares about!

Victor is happy to hear it and agrees they should go for lunch.

Michael says he’ll call Lauren and make a reservation for them. He says he knows Victor wanted him to sign off on the German contracts, which are due today, and they’re almost finished… He just needs to make one more pass at them!

Michael talks to Victor and Nikki.
Victor tells him to make sure to send the contracts as soon as possible.

Michael apologizes for letting it slip through the cracks… He’ll finish it right away and will meet them at Society!

Victor agrees and leaves the house with Nikki.

Michael watches them go and heads out of the room.

Nikki and Victor smile as they talk to Michael.
The Tack House
Cole sits down with Victoria and Claire and tells them that he needs to make it clear that England isn’t on his radar right now. They have his word on that, and he has no intention of leaving them anytime soon!

Cole Howard.
Claire and Victoria are happy to hear that, but they still want to know what message he received.

Cole says he’s extending his sabbatical; it’s open-ended now.

Claire asks why Oxford wouldn’t want him back before the next semester.

Claire Grace.
Cole says he’s still working out the details with them.

Victoria asks if Cole is okay… He seemed a little preoccupied at lunch and seems jumpy.

Cole apologizes. He has a lot on his mind right now, but he promises it won’t affect anyone.

Victoria smiles as she talks to Cole.
Victoria asks if Cole is still thinking that Victor had something to do with Jordan’s death.

Cole says he doesn’t think so anymore. If Jordan is gone, what does it really matter?

Claire says he said, “If Jordan is gone…” Does that mean that Cole thinks Jordan might not be gone?

Claire talks to Cole.
Cole shakes his head. He doesn’t believe Jordan is out there and ready to come after Claire or anyone else ever again. He says if Victor did or didn’t have anything to do with it, either way, he’s making it his business to let Victor handle it himself. He thinks they should all take a deep breath and count their blessings.

Victoria thinks Cole is right; they’re safe now, and they need to stop looking over their shoulders and start living again!

Cole smiles at Victoria.
Chancellor Park
Kyle asks Harrison why he thinks Summer doesn’t like Claire.

Kyle talks to his son.
Harrison can just tell. He says his mom’s not as nice about Summer; maybe she thinks he likes Claire more than her!

Kyle says he’s sure that Summer doesn’t think that.

Harrison says Claire is his friend, but he loves his mommy.

Harrison talks to his father.
Kyle says Summer knows he loves her. He explains that when Harrison was taken, his mommy was really worried and it’s taking her time not to worry anymore.

Harrison says that Claire didn’t scare him; the witch did!

Kyle says he knows that, and so does Summer, but they just need to give her a little more time.

Kyle and Harrison sit and talk.
Harrison asks if Claire can come to the park with them… They should call her and let her know there’s a Ferris wheel at the carnival that goes away tomorrow; she probably hasn’t seen it yet and it might make her feel better to ride it!

Kyle laughs and says he’ll see what he can do.

Harrison smiles at his father.
Nick tells Summer that hiring a nanny is completely her call.

Summer says it’s a joint decision with her and Kyle, but she thinks they should agree on who the nanny is… But it seems her dad still thinks she’s wrong about Claire!

Nick talks to Summer.
Nick says he didn’t say that.

Summer says she knows him; he won’t drop it because he thinks she’s being unfair to Claire!

Nick says he has a theory… Does she want to hear it?

Summer Newman looks at her dad.
Phyllis figures Summer will hear it whether she wants to or not.

Summer sighs. She’s listening.

Nick thinks Summer takes out her rage on Claire because she can’t take it out on the “real” villain… Jordan.

Nick listens as Summer talks.
The Tack House
Claire tells her mom and dad she’s terrified about her riding lessons.

Victoria reassures her they’re putting her on the safest and kindest horse they have, and Cole is an excellent teacher!

Victoria and Claire talk.
Claire asks if Cole taught her mom how to ride.

Cole says Victoria was already a very accomplished rider when he met her. She didn’t need any lessons in that department!

Victoria says Cole is trying to say she was a good rider but had some insecurities in other areas.

Cole gestures as he talks.
Claire laughs and asks if her “expert equestrian parents” would give her lessons right now.

Cole and Victoria think that’s a great idea. Cole’s phone pings with a message notification from Michael. “Time to move.” He says he’ll have to postpone the riding lesson for an hour or two… There’s something he has to take care of.

Victoria asks what could be so urgent.

Cole receives a text from Michael. “Time to move.”
Cole says it’s something he wants to get off his plate. He tells them to go down to the stables so Claire can get to know Midnight Blue a little better. He’ll meet them there later!

Victoria asks if he has any idea how long he’ll be.

Cole shrugs. He doesn’t really know how long he’ll be.

Victoria looks suspiciously at Cole.
Victoria laughs and says he really is a man of mystery today.

Cole says he needs to fill out some forms for his sabbatical. He’ll be done as soon as he can be!

Claire says she’ll forgive him for ducking out on the lesson, but only because he’s going to a lot of trouble to stay here, and that makes her happy!

Claire wags her finger as she talks to Cole.
Cole says he’s doing it for her as much as he’s doing it for himself; he tells them to get going to the stables and he’ll be there before they know it! He leaves the house.

Claire asks Victoria if her shoes will be fine for the lesson… Maybe she should change into boots?

Victoria wonders about Cole’s text messages… It’s a little late to be receiving texts from the U.K.!

Claire shrugs. Maybe that’s how they do things at Oxford! She jumps up, smiling, and says they should go to the stables.

Claire talks to her mother, Victoria Newman.
Nick tells Summer he’s not trying to be a cheerleader for Claire; he had his doubts about her like everyone else, but he’s watched her and seen Harrison with her and he doesn’t think she’s a threat.

Phyllis says even still, Summer shouldn’t be forced to hire Claire.

Phyllis Summers.
Nick says he’s not suggesting that, but he thinks Summer should let go some of her anger because it’s tying her up in knots, and he thinks Harrison is probably picking up on that.

Summer says she never badmouths Claire in front of Harrison.

Nick says she doesn’t have to; kids sense things about their parents!

Nick Newman.
Summer asks what she’s supposed to do… Fake that she and Claire are best friends? She’s not good at faking things!

Nick thinks she should let Claire come around and let Harrison see that she’s okay. He thinks it’d be good for them all.

Summer thinks that Harrison dwelling on Claire will make things worse. She had a bad feeling about Claire long before the kidnappings; sometimes people have instincts about people!

Nick says that Harrison’s instinct is to like and trust Claire. He tells her to do it for Harrison… Actually, she should do it for herself. He says Summer has been carrying around a lot of fear and anger, and Jordan is gone; it’s time to let the rest of the bad stuff go away along with her!

Summer Newman looks thoughtful.
The Newman Ranch House
Cole meets Michael in the hallway and says he didn’t think this would happen so fast.

Cole talks to Michael.
Michael says he didn’t either, but he had a chance to get Victor out of the house, so it was now or never! He says he and Lauren are supposed to meet Victor and Nikki at Society, so they have to work fast before Victor gets suspicious!

Cole nods. He pushes open the secret panel.

Michael looks at the passage. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this!”

Michael and Cole enter the passage.
Cole says it’s for the greater good.

Michael laughs. It’s to protect Victor from himself!

They step into the passage, but neither of them notices the motion detector that lights up.

A motion detector lights up as Michael and Cole pass it.
Victor and Nikki enter the restaurant and are happy to see Summer and Nick there.

Nick and Summer hug Nikki and Victor. They’re happy to see Nikki is back home!

Phyllis sips her drink as the Newmans hug.

Victor says they’re going to have lunch with Michael and Lauren.

Nikki asks them to join them.

Phyllis waves at Nikki.
Phyllis raises her hand. “Even me?”

Nikki grins. Yes, even Phyllis.

Victor’s phone pings with a notification. He looks and says he has to leave.

Victor talks to Nikki.
Nikki says he just got there… What’s happening?

Victor says he has a “very simple business matter” to take care of… It’s nothing for her to worry about!

Nikki asks why he’s being so vague… Did something happen at Newman while she was gone?

Nikki talks to Victor.
Victor says he doesn’t have time to discuss it. He kisses her and says he’ll be back. He leaves.

Nikki sputters and returns to the table.

Nick asks what that was all about.

Nikki sits down with Summer, Nick, and Phyllis.
Nikki shrugs. Victor is being mysterious about some business he has to take care of.

Phyllis laughs. Victor being mysterious? What a shock!

Nick asks if Victor will be returning.

Phyllis grins.
Nikki says Victor said he’ll return, but… Who knows!

Summer says it’s great to see Nikki.

Nikki says it’s wonderful to see her, too. She asks how Harrison is.

Nikki smiles at Phyllis.
Summer says they’re making progress.

Nikki says she’ll come by tomorrow to visit him.

Summer says Nikki’s face is glowing.

Summer smiles at Nikki as Nick talks.
Nikki laughs and says they’re embarrassing her.

Phyllis asks what her secret is.

Nikki looks at her. “Alcoholism!”

Nikki looks at Phyllis.
The Stables on The Newman Ranch
Victoria and Claire are out at the stables. Victoria says Midnight Blue has really taken to Claire.

Victoria and Claire sit in the field and talk.
Claire says she’s got a lot to learn. She says she thinks about what her life would have been like if Jordan hadn’t taken her… Her parents would have taught her how to ride a bike and to drive a car… She would have learned those things from her parents!

Victoria says she thinks about it a lot, too. She says in the beginning, when they thought they’d lost her, she’d felt very empty; it hurt to think about her. She says as the years went by, she was surprised that she could think about her baby, Eve, with gratitude. She says it made her happy that her baby was in the world, even if it wasn’t for long. She says the love in her heart kept her alive, and now there’s a miracle again… They get to spend time together as mother and daughter, and it’s a precious gift she’ll never take for granted.

Claire says she knows what Jordan took from her, but sometimes she forgets how much Jordan took from Victoria.

Claire talks to her mom.
Victoria says Jordan won’t be able to take anything from them ever again. The past is gone, and the future is the only thing ahead of them! She intends to enjoy every minute of it, and Claire should stop trying to convince her to go back to work; it’s not happening! She looks at the time on her phone.

Claire tells her that Cole will be there. Is she worried?

Victoria says Cole’s been preoccupied the last few days… It’s not like him.

Victoria smiles at Claire.
Claire says she doubts Cole is with another woman, if that’s what Victoria is worried about.

Victoria laughs and says that thought never even occurred to her.

Claire says she can tell that Victoria’s “hooked” on Cole… The way they look at each other isn’t just the way “old friends” look at one another!

Claire laughs as she talks to a mortified Victoria.
Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar
Michael and Cole walk down the stairs into the cellar. Michael looks around. “Victor, what have you done?”

Cole and Michael talk in the cellar.
Cole asks Michael if he’s getting cold feet.

Michael says he’s getting cold feet about ever agreeing to be Victor Newman’s attorney again.

Jordan is lying on the bed, covered by blankets. When she hears their voices, she throws the blanket off and sits up. She tells Cole he abandoned her; why is he here now? And why is Victor’s lawyer there?

Jordan looks at Cole and Michael suspiciously.
The Stables / Chancellor Park
Victoria tells Claire she’s her daughter… She should be the one asking Claire about her crushes!

Claire grins. So there is a crush! She says it’s fun making her mom blush.

Victoria and Claire laugh.
Victoria says they should talk about the weather or anything else.

Claire grins and says she sees something happening between Victoria and Cole… Is she wrong?

Victoria says she’s not wrong. She does feel a growing connection to Cole, but she doesn’t know where it’s going, and neither of them are in a hurry.

Victoria talks to Claire.
Claire is surprised… They’ve talked about it? That’s huge!

Victoria says that Claire is their main focus right now.

Claire says she doesn’t want to be… She knows they want to help her adjust, but they need to focus on themselves. Jordan’s gone and Nikki is sober… It’s time for them to get back to their lives, and she hopes Victoria’s life will include Cole!

Jordan, Victor, Ashley, and Michael.

Claire smiles at her mother.
Kyle calls Claire and says he has a kid there who insists on showing her a “pretty cool Ferris wheel.”

Claire thinks that’s adorable. She’d heard that the carnival was coming to town!

Kyle says that’s great; they’ll meet her in front of the ride!

Kyle calls Claire as Harrison sits beside him.
Claire is surprised… He wants to meet now?

Kyle says Harrison is into instant gratification.

Claire says she’d love to meet them and would hate to disappoint Harrison, but she doesn’t want to cause any trouble.

Claire talks to Kyle while her mom listens.
Victoria signals she should go.

Kyle says there wouldn’t be any trouble, and he’s heard the carnival leaves tomorrow. He wants to know if she’ll make it.

Harrison smiles at his dad.
Summer tells Nikki she doesn’t have to explain what happened to Phyllis.

Nikki talks to Phyllis.
Nikki says she doesn’t mind talking about it. She tells Phyllis that she just got back from rehab; that’s why Nick and Summer are so happy to see her. She says her drinking got out of control and she needed to get a handle on it.

Phyllis says it’s great she took care of herself and did right by her family; she respects that. She congratulates Nikki and welcomes her home.

Phyllis talks to Nikki.
Chancellor Park
Harrison tells his dad that the Ferris wheel is so cool… Claire’s going to love it, and they can win a goldfish, too!

Harrison and Kyle talk.
Kyle says it’s a big responsibility to take care of a goldfish… He’d have to name it.

Harrison says he’d call the fish “Sam.”

Kyle laughs. “Sam the fish!”

Claire enters the park, and Harrison runs up and hugs her. She asks where the ride is.

Harrison hugs Claire as she talks to Kyle.
The Ferris Wheel
Harrison, Kyle, and Claire sit in the Ferris wheel. Harrison asks Claire if she’s ever been on a Ferris wheel before.

Claire says it would have been years ago.

Kyle, Harrison, and Claire grin as they get on the Ferris wheel.
Harrison says it’s fun and not too scary, except when they stop at the top!

Claire laughs. It’s high up!

The ride starts, and they go around the wheel, laughing.

Kyle, Harrison, and Claire laugh on the ride.
Nikki asks Nick how Summer is doing… Harrison seems to be handling things well.

Nikki Newman.
Nick says it’s been hard on Summer; she’s still processing things, but there’s a lot of anger.

Phyllis says a psycho kidnapped Summer’s son… Of course there’s anger! She tells Nikki that Summer couldn’t eat or sleep because she was worrying about Harrison… They did their best to distract her.

Nikki is sure Nick and Phyllis were a comfort to her.

Phyllis Summers.
Nick says it was rough, but he’s glad things turned out the way they did.

Nikki nods. She could tell Summer was putting up a front for her. Sometimes it takes for the crisis to be over before the feelings bubble to the surface; the worst thing in the world is to know that your child has suffered or is still suffering!

Nick says it goes both ways; kids worry about their parents, too! He says it’s a relief to see her like she is.

Nick listens to Phyllis.
Phyllis agrees. It is great. She asks if Nikki can tell her about Claire and promises it’s not an attack; she just wants to know! She wonders why Nikki doesn’t hold a grudge against her.

Nikki says she had her doubts about Claire, as did her whole family, but they’ve all come around. She understands how Summer feels, given what happened to Harrison, but Claire is a sweet and caring person, and Nikki sees nothing but good things in her future. Now that Jordan is out of their lives forever, she’s sure that Summer will see that, too.

Nikki talks to Phyllis.
Chancellor Park
Summer walks into the park and sits down on a bench.

Summer smiles at Harrison and Claire.
Harrison, Claire, and Kyle walk into the park, laughing. Harrison spots his mom and says they rode the Ferris wheel… It was fun, even though Claire got scared a bit, but she laughed a lot!

Summer smiles and says it looks like Harrison was laughing a lot too!

Claire tells Harrison they should look at the pictures they took. They sit down and look at her phone together.

Harrison talks to his mom as Claire and Kyle look on.
Kyle approaches Summer and lowers his voice. He tells her that Harrison had a “minor freakout” about Jordan earlier.

Summer asks what happened.

Kyle says Harrison saw a woman who looked like Jordan… It wasn’t her, but it scared him. He says that Harrison took a ride on the Ferris wheel with Claire, and now he’s doing great… Seeing Claire safe makes Harrison happy; just look at them!

Kyle talks to Summer.
Summer looks over at Claire and Harrison laughing together. She thanks Claire for being there for Harrison.

Claire says they had fun; he’s a great kid, and she hopes it’s okay that she’s hanging out with him.

Summer smiles and says Harrison seems happy, and that’s the most important thing. She says she’d like to get together with Claire later and talk about seeing Harrison more regularly.

Claire looks surprised, and Harrison looks happy.
Claire is surprised. Really?

Summer nods. She says Harrison needs someone other than his parents around and they could start getting back to normal… They’ll see how it goes! Anyone who can make Harrison smile like that deserves to be in his life more often!

Claire is happy, and Harrison is overjoyed. He cheers. “Hooray!”

Summer smiles at Harrison.
Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar
Cole tells Jordan that there was a part of him that wanted to let her rot down here forever, but that’s not his call to make.

Jordan says that’s right; he’s a good and decent man! He’s the best nephew who wouldn’t let her free before, but he’s there to let her free now… Right?

Michael says she’s lucky that Cole has a conscience. They’re taking her out of here and putting her in a real prison!

Jordan breaks down. “Thank God!”

Victor walks into the cellar. “I’ll be damned if I allow that to happen!”

Next Week on The Young and the Restless
Billy and Jill plan their next moves.

Alan and Ashley work on finding out what trauma caused her personality disorder.

Missed an episode? Check out our Young and the Restless recap archives!

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